“A route combined with hill, fast passages or slow exits from the canyons, a beautiful route. We bravely fought for the first place!”
“Un traseu combinat cu deal, pasaje rapide sau iesiri lente din canioane, un traseu frumos. Am luptat cu curaj pentru primul loc!”
“600 kilometers in a variety of lands and landscapes between the Black Sea shore and the Danube gorge, between fields, hills and stretches of sand!”
“600 de kilometri intr-o varietate de terenuri si peisaje intre tarmul Marii Negre si Gura Dunarii, intre campii, dealuri si intinderi de nisip!”
“We returned to our second house, Romania, for a competition that was held for the first time in the city of Constanta. We got an honorable 3rd place and a smile on our face!”
“Ne-am intors la a doua noastra casa, Romania, pentru o competitie care a fost tinuta pentru prima data in orasul Constanta. Am obtinut un onorabil loc 3 si un zambet pe fata!”
“This race gave us a huge experience, it was difficult but very interesting. We would like to express my gratitude to the organizers!”
“Aceasta cursa ne-a dat o experienta imensa, a fost dificil dar foarte interesant. As vrea sa-mi exprim recunostinţa fata de organizatori!”
“Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge is moving to Constanta! And I’m glad I took part in this first edition!”
“Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge se muta la Constanta! Si ma bucur ca am luat parte la aceasta prima editie!”
“Such a great experience .. thank you 4V Rally Raid!”
“O experienta deosebita … multumim 4V Rally Raid!”
“At the end of the 2nd place in the General, I thank the organizers for the beautiful route prepared!”
“La final locul 2 la General, multumesc organizatorilor pentru traseul frumos pregatit!”
“Congratulations to those who had the courage to participate in the 4V Rally Raid! Constanta can do it, if this is wanted!”
“Felicitari celor care au avut curajul sa participe la 4V Rally Raid! Si Constanta poate, daca vrea!”